Changing Fractions To Decimals On A Calculator Worksheet Page 3


Lesson 7
a s t e r y
r i l l
14. 1 kilometer =
15. The fraction we use for π is
16. a. 1 pint =
b. 1 quart =
17. An obtuse angle measures between
° and
18. The four angles formed by a pair of intersecting lines measure a total of
19. The four angles of a quadrilateral measure a total of
Find each number.
20. a. 60% of 50 =
b. 70% of 50 =
21. Sara's school is giving a Thanksgiving program at the Oak
Lane Senior Citizen’s Home. The 31 students, 3 teachers,
and 5 parents will travel to the home in vans. Each van has
seatbelts for 12 people. How many vans will be needed?
22. The ancient Romans built about 50,000 miles of paved roads
to connect every part of the Empire to the city of Rome. The
United States has about 43,000 miles of interstate highways
connecting most of the nation's largest cities to each other.
What is the difference in miles between ancient Roman paved
roads and modern United States interstate highways?


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