Domain 1 Pre-Test Worksheet Page 10


C. Reading for Meaning
6. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
a. Austin loves geography.
b. The length of the Yukon River is 1,980 feet.
c. Austin researched the rivers in North America.
d. The Internet is a great tool for research projects.
7. Who was doing a research project? _____________________
8. What was the topic of the research project? ______________
D. Vocabulary Acquisition
9. Write a bold-faced word that means the same as:
a. job or chore
b. distance
c. given
d. natural features of land
e. found
Write in your math journal.
E. Write About It!
Write about why you think it IS or is NOT important to read
numbers in standard and word form. What could happen if someone
wasn’t able to read numbers in word form?
Give examples to support your paragraph. Give your opinion.


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