Domain 1 Pre-Test Worksheet


4. Round 34 to the nearest
Domain 1 Pre-Test
1. Which symbol makes this
A. 40
equation true?
B. 35
C. 30
D. 33
A. 
5. 5 + 0 = 5
B. 
is an example of:
C. =
D. +
A. Associative Property
B. Distributive Property
2. Below is an example of
C. Identity Property
what addition property?
D. Commutative Property
4 + 5 = 5 + 4
6. What is the rule of the
pattern below?
A. Associative Property
B. Identity Property
25, 20, 15, 10
C. Addition
D. Commutative Property
A. Add 5
B. Add 25
3. Which shows 491
C. Subtract 5
written in expanded form?
D. Subtract 25
A. 4 + 9 + 1
7. Add: 561 + 19
B. 400 + 90 + 1
C. 40 + 90 + 1
A. 580
D. 400 + 9 + 1
B. 751
C. 569
D. 570


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