Teeth And Gums Worksheets Page 5


Where There Is No Dentist 2015
Why Do Some Teeth Look Different?
We need two different kinds of teeth to help us eat our food.
Front teeth. Another name for
them is incisors. Their sharp
edge cuts food into pieces.
Back teeth are called molars.
They chew and grind pieces
of food into bits small enough
to swallow.
The outside of a tooth is the hardest and strongest part of your body. When a
tooth is healthy, it can chew hard food, even bone. The shape of a tooth allows
us to swallow food when the small pieces can slide down its smooth sides.
Food that is not
Small bits of food
cleaned away
often get caught
from the grooves
inside deep lines, or
can make a cavity
grooves, in a tooth.
(hole) in them.
Look for them on
A tooth with a
the top and the sides
cavity is weak and
of back teeth.
often hurts.


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