Teeth And Gums Worksheets Page 24


Where There Is No Dentist 2015
3. Find the best way to clean teeth. Divide the class into groups. They
will learn more easily in a small group of 4 to 8 students.
Give all the students something to eat that is sweet, sticky and dark
in color, such as sweet chocolate biscuits. Ask the students to look in
each other’s mouth, to see how easily the biscuit sticks to the teeth.
One or two of the students in a group can then try to clean away the
pieces of biscuit, using a different method.
each person
eat a sweet
sticky food
and rinse
...eat a
When they are finished, the students can look at the teeth to decide if
they are clean or not. Put your findings on a chart and talk about what
you have learned.


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