Teeth And Gums Worksheets Page 21


Where There Is No Dentist 2015
How Can We Prevent Cavities and Sore Gums?
Eating good food and carefully cleaning the teeth prevent both tooth decay
and gum disease.
Food from your own garden and local food from the market is best.
These foods are good for your body, your teeth, and your gums.
Oil, from palm nut
Vegetables, especially
Peas and beans, like green
kernels, ground nuts,
those with dark green
beans, soybeans, winged
and coconut.
beans, and mung beans.
Fruits, like banana,
Fish, meat and eggs.
Clean water, coconut
water, and milk are best
guava, oranges,
and papaya.
to drink.
Soft foods and sweet foods from the store
are not good for you. Soft foods stick to your
teeth easily. They can work longer to cause
cavities and infected gums. Sweet foods have
mostly sugar in them, and it is ‘factory sugar,’
not the ‘natural sugar’ that is in the foods in
the pictures above.
This kind of sugar is quick to mix with germs
and make acid. Remember: natural sugar makes
acid slowly; factory sugar makes acid quickly.
Children who eat a lot of sugar lose their
appetite for other foods—the foods that help
them grow strong, stay healthy, and learn well
in school.
Store foods are also expensive. You can
usually get better food, and more of it, for the
same money in your garden or in the market.


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