Teeth And Gums Worksheets Page 15


Where There Is No Dentist 2015
3. Look inside a tooth for the space where the nerve and blood vessel
used to be. See how close they were to the tooth’s hard outer cover.
Look for a small hole at the end of the root. That is the place where
the nerve and blood vessel enter the tooth.
Ask your dental worker to find an old tooth
with a cavity and cut it for you.
Take a hammer.
Gently break open a tooth.
Look inside.
See how much bigger the cavity is on the
inside. lt spreads under the hard cover.
Cut through a rotten yam. See how the
rotten part spreads under its skin in the
same way.
4. Do a project in class.
Count the number of students with cavities.
Count the number of teeth having cavities. Show the students how
to look for them on the tops, sides and between the teeth.
Find out the person’s age.
Have the students write on the blackboard what they counted. Then
make a chart or graph.
Decide if tooth decay is a serious problem in your school. Ask your
dental worker to look at your results and to come and treat the
students, and help you prevent the problem from returning.
Do the same with brothers and sisters at home. Find out if tooth
decay is a problem with these young children. Tell your dental
worker what you find.


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