Teeth And Gums Worksheets Page 13


Where There Is No Dentist 2015
A cavity may look small on the outside, but it is much bigger inside. Decay
spreads more easily in the soft part under the hard cover of the tooth.
A tooth with a cavity may hurt, but it usually does not hurt all the time. This
is because the bottom of the cavity is close, but not yet on the nerve inside
the tooth.
Fill a small cavity and save a tooth.
A small cavity that is not treated grows bigger and gets deeper. When the
cavity finally touches the nerve, it causes a tooth abscess. Infection from
the tooth decay going inside the tooth causes the tooth to ache all the time,
even when you try to sleep.
Infection can pass from the tooth to the bone. As it spreads under the skin,
there will be swelling of your face.
A tooth with an abscess must either be taken out
or have its nerve treated.
An abscessed tooth is dying. When it dies the tooth changes color from
white to dark yellow, grey, or even black. Pus from the end of its root can
pass to the gum, making a sore called a gum bubble.
A tooth is like a light bulb.
When the bulb is alive from power inside, it is
bright and useful.
The little wires inside the bulb are like the nerves
inside the tooth. When the bulb burns out, it is dark
and not useful any more.


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