Articles Of Termination Form - Minnesota Limited Liability Company

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Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State
Minnesota Limited Liability Company | Articles of Termination
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 322B.816 or 322B.82
Read the instructions before completing this form.
Filing Fee: $55 for expedited service in-person and online filings, $35 if submitted by mail
Articles of Termination filed under Minnesota Statutes, sections 322B.816 or 322B.82 is used to terminate a
limited liability company that has accepted contributions.
1. Name of Limited Liability Company: (Required)
2. Select one of the following: (Required)
Articles of Termination are being filed pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 322B.82 for limited liability
companies that have NOT given notice to creditors and claimants.
If Articles of Termination are being filed pursuant to subdivision 1, clause (1), that all known debts,
obligations and liabilities of the limited liability company have been paid and discharged or that adequate
provision has been made for payment or discharge. The remaining property, assets and claims of the limited
liability company have been distributed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 322B.873, or adequate
provision has been made for that distribution. There are no pending legal, administrative or arbitration
proceedings by or against the limited liability company, or that adequate provision has been made for the
satisfaction of any judgment, order or decree that may be entered against it in a pending proceeding.
Articles of Termination are being filed pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 322B.816 for limited liability
companies that have given notice to creditors and claimants.
List the last date on which the notice was given: (Required under 333B.816)
Payment of all creditors and claimants filing a claim within the 90-day period stated in Minnesota Statutes,
section 322B.816, subd.2, clause (5) has been made or provided for; or the date on which the longest of the
periods described in section 322B.816, subd. 4, paragraph (b) has expired. The remaining property, assets and
claims of the limited liability company have been distributed in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section
322B.873, or adequate provision has been made for that distribution. There are no pending legal,
administrative or arbitration proceedings by or against the limited liability company commenced within the
time provided in subdivision 4, paragraph (b), or that adequate provision has been made for the satisfaction of
any judgment, order or decree that may be entered against it in a pending proceeding.
3. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of
the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in
both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is
true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statutes. I understand that by signing
this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury as set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document
under oath.
Signature of Authorized Person or Authorized Agent
Email Address for Official Notices
Enter an email address to which the Secretary of State can forward official notices required by law and other notices:
Check here to have your email address excluded from requests for bulk data, to the extent allowed by Minnesota law.
List a name and daytime phone number of a person who can be contacted about this form:
Contact Name
Phone Number


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