Exponents And Scientific Notation Worksheet Page 3


Model Problem
Between what two integers does 3.445 X 10 2 lie?
A. 3 and 4
B. 33 and 34
C. 34 and 35
D. 344 and 345
Convert the number from scientific notation into standard form.
3.445 X 102 = 3445
344.5 lies between 344 and 345.
Answer: D
1 Find the expression with the smallest value.
A. 5°
B. 15
C. 010
D. 10-1
2 Express 5.46 X 10° in standard form.
A. 546
B. 54.6
C. 5.46
D. 0.546
3 Express 9.19
10-5 in standard form.
A. 0.0000919
B. 0.00000919
C. 0.00919
D. 919,000
4 In scientific notation 3,450,000 is equtl to
A. 34.5 X 105
B. 345
x 104
C. 3.45 X 106
D. 3450 X 103
6 Between what two integers does 4.23 X 10-5
A. 1 and 2
B. 0 and 1
C. –4 and –5
D. –5 and –6
Exercises 7-10: Show how the measurement
would be expressed in scientific notation.
7 The distance from Earth to Pluto is about six
billion kilometers.
8 The sun is approximately 93 million miles
from Earth.
9 The width of a virus is 0.0000001 meter.
A diode in a microchip measures 0.00025
centimeter thick.
11 Express 3.76 X 10 5 in standard form.
12 Express 198,000,000 in scientific notation.
13 Write 30.232 X 10 6 in scientific notation.
5 Which of the following represents a number
between 0.01 and 0.001?
14 Write the fraction —
in scientific notation.
A. 3.7 X 10°
15 Write 0.0000567 X 10- 3 in scientific notation.
B. 3.7 X 10 -1
If x6 = x8, name all the possible real number
C. 3.7 X 10- 2
values of x that satisfy this equation. Explain
D. 3.7 X 10-3
your answer.
Exponents and Scientific Notation


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