The Fraction Hunter'S Story Worksheet


The Fraction Hunter’s story
Finding fractions is easy! Talk yourself through it as if you were telling
yourself a story:
How do I find 1/9th of 36?
I divide 36 by the fraction’s denominator which is 9, so 36 ÷ 9 = 4.
So, 1/9th of 36 = 4
Now, how would I find 2/9ths of 36?
Well, if 1/9th of 36 = 4,
then to find 2/9ths of 36, I must multiply 4 (which is 1/9th) by the number
of 9ths I have been asked to find which is 2, so 4 X 2 = 8.
So my answer is : 2/9ths of 36 = 8
Using this story as a model, try and hunt down these fractions:
1/8th of 48
3/4 of 80
3/8ths of 48
1/3 of 90
1/3rd of 12
2/3 of 90
2/3rds of 12
1/8 of 40
1/4 of 48
5/8 of 40
3/4 of 48
1/5 of 30
1/6 of 30
3/5 of 30
5/6 of 30
Write your answers as stories, just like I
1/5 of 15
have done above.
2/5 of 15
1/9 of 18
5/9 of 18
1/4 of 80


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