Numbers & Operations Place Value Worksheet - Grade 6 Page 9


9. Numbers & Operations
Gr. 6
fraction blocks
egg cartons
1 .
Find the pattern blocks. Suppose that a hexagon is
worth one whole.
Which blocks show what happens when you
divide one whole hexagon into two equal pieces.
Use a diagram to record this on your worksheet.
b )
Which blocks show what happens when you
divide one whole hexagon into three equal pieces.
Use a diagram to record this on your worksheet.
c )
Which blocks show what happens when you
divide one whole hexagon into six equal pieces.
Use a diagram to record this on your worksheet.
2 .
Use the egg cartons to show
12 ÷ 2
1 )
Which fraction does this represent?
12 ÷ 3
2 )
Which fraction does this represent?
12 ÷ 4
3 )
Which fraction does this represent?
12 ÷ 6
4 )
Which fraction does this represent?
12 ÷ 12
5 )
Which fraction does this represent?
3 .
In your own words explain the concept of fractions
as division.
When you have completed this station,
place your answer sheet in your portfolio.
Do not forget to label your entry.
Please tidy up the station.


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