Numbers & Operations Place Value Worksheet - Grade 6 Page 13


13. Numbers & Operations
Gr. 6
1 .
Read through the newspaper to find four items in which
fractions are used.
2 .
Cut these out and paste them on a looseleaf two per sheet.
3 .
Beside each item, use two to three sentences to explain the
fraction (s) which was (were) used in that particular situation.
When you have completed this station,
place your answer sheet in your portfolio.
Label your portfolio entry.
Please tidy up the station.
14. Numbers & Operations
Gr. 6
N-46b, N-47b, N-48
pattern blocks
egg cartons
fraction strips
1 .
Explain how you can use pattern blocks to simplify the
fraction 4/6? (Use diagrams in your explanation.)
2 .
Explain how you can use the egg cartons to simplify the
fraction 6/12? (Use diagrams in your explanation.)
3 .
Find all the fraction strips that are equivalent to 1/2.
b )
Record these fractions and draw them to show how
they are equivalent.
c )
Explain why we say that 1/2 is the simplest form
for all these fractions.
When you have completed this station,
place your answer sheet in your portfolio.
Label your portfolio entry.
Please tidy up the station.


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