Numbers & Operations Place Value Worksheet - Grade 6 Page 12


12. Numbers & Operations
Gr. 6
N-46a, N-47
two sided counters or red and yellow counters
(you can also cut small red and yellow
squares of construction paper)
1 .
Place 4 red counters and two yellow counters in a
row. Keep each of the colored counters together.
b )
What fraction do the red counters represent?
c )
Now add another row right under the first
row using the same pattern.
d )
Now what fraction do the red counters represent?
e )
Extend the pattern three more times and record the
fraction represented by the red counters after you
add each row.
f )
Explain why these fractions are equivalent.
2 .
Repeat this activity to show several fractions
which are equivalent to 2 .
b )
Use multiplication to find two fractions that
are equivalent to
8 .
c )
Use division to find two fractions that are equivalent
8 .
d )
Describe another strategy for finding equivalent
When you have completed this station,
place your answer sheet
in your portfolio.
Do not forget to label your entry.
Please tidy up the station.


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