Heredity Worksheet With Answers Page 6


26. If a person is heterozygous for both brown eyes (Bb) and a widow’s peak (Ww), the resulting
gamete could have any one of the following combinations of alleles: BW, Bw, bW, or bw.
Mendel referred to this as what?
a. Law of independence
b. Law of segregation
c. Law of independent assortment
d. Law of recombination
27. You are working with a white rat in the lab. When you cross the white rat with a gray rat, half of
the offspring are white and half of the offspring gray. When the F
gray rats are interbred, all of
the F
rats are gray. What can you conclude from this experiment?
a. Gray is dominant to white coat color in this species of rat.
b. The gray parental rat was heterozygous for the gene.
c. White is dominant to gray coat color in this species of rat.
d. The white rat was homozygous for the gene.
Questions #28-29 refer to the following image of a camellia flower. It was produced by crossing a red
camellia and a white camellia.
28. What type of dominance pattern does this camellia display?
a. Complete dominance
b. Incomplete dominance
c. Linked dominance
d. Codominance
29. If the camellia in the picture is crossed with a camellia of similar coloring, what phenotypic ratio
will result?
a. All red
b. 1 red: 2 red/white: 1 white
c. All white
d. 3 red/white: 1 red
AP Biology


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