Heredity Worksheet With Answers Page 5


22. The diagram below shows the relationships between animals in the order Crocodilia. Each
branch of the cladogram indicates a common ancestor. Which two animals would have the
strongest genetic relationship?
a. Snakes and tuataras
b. Crocodiles and snakes
c. Birds and crocodiles
d. Lizards and tuataras
Questions #23-25 refer to the following scenario:
Pod shape in pea plants can be inflated or constricted, with inflated (I) being dominant over constricted
23. A pea plant displays inflated pods but has an unknown genotype. What possible genotypes
could the plant have?
a. II
b. Ii
c. ii
d. Either a or b.
24. With what plant should it be crossed in order to determine the correct genotype?
a. II
b. Ii
c. ii
d. Either a or b.
25. What is this type of procedure called?
a. Testcross
b. Dihybrid cross
c. Epistasis
d. Mendelian cross
AP Biology


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