Mathematics Measurement: Lesson 3 - Grade 8 Page 9


Student Sheet 26 (Measurement: Lesson 3)
1. What is the best estimate of
2. What is the best estimate of
the amount of gasoline an average
the amount of milk in a
car gas tank holds?
small milk carton?
A. 1.6 quarts
A. 2 cups
B. 1.6 gallons
B. 20 cups
C. 16 gallons
C. 20 pints
D. 16 cups
D. 20 gallons
3. Does a can of soda hold more or less than a pint? _____________
4. Does a bowl of chili hold more or less than a cup? ______________
Which unit would you use to measure the capacity of the following
objects? (cup, pint, quart, or gallon)
5. the amount of milk to add to a cookie recipe ______________
6. the amount of water in a bath tub _______________
For 7 and 8, fill in each circle with the symbol (>, <, or =) to make the
statements true.
7. 2.5 quarts
1 gallon
8. 5 cups
2 pints
Choose the best answer.
9. What is the best estimate of the amount of water in a 2-gallon bucket?
A. 1 milliliter B. 10 milliliters
C. 10 liters D. 100 liters
10. What is the best estimate of the amount of shampoo in a bottle?
A. 1 milliliter B. 100 milliliters C. 1 liter
D. 100 liters
11. Does a gallon of milk hold more or less than a liter? _______________
12. Does a bottle of hot sauce hold more or less than liter? ______________
For 13 and 14, fill in each circle with the symbol (>, <, or =) to make the
statements true.
13. 10 ml
1 L
14. 4 L
4321 ml
Grade 8 Mathematics
Lesson 3, Measurement


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