Mathematics Measurement: Lesson 3 - Grade 8 Page 8


Student Sheet 25 (Measurement: Lesson 3)
Choose the best answer.
1. What is the best estimate for
2. What is the best estimate for
the mass of an average
for the weight/mass of a
adult woman?
handful of peanuts?
A. 20 g
A. 1 g
B. 2 kg
B. 1 kg
C. 60 g
C. 20 g
D. 60 kg
D. 20 kg
3. Is the weight/mass of a TV more or less than a gram? ___________
4. Is the weight/mass of shoelace more or less than a kilogram? __________
In 5–8, choose the best unit to measure the weight/mass of each object.
5. A pen _____________
6. A handful of paperclips_________
7. A bowling ball ____________
9. A flea _____________
For 9 and 10, fill in the blanks.
9. To change from kilograms to grams, ____________ by 1000.
10. To change from milligrams to grams, ___________ by 1000.
For 5 and 6, fill in each circle with the symbol (>, <, or =) to make the
statements true.
11. 105 g
1 kg
12. 4500 mg
4 g
13. The weight of a box of crackers is approximately 270 grams. If a truck
was carrying 2000 boxes of crackers, how much did the cargo of
crackers weigh in kilograms?
A. 540,000 kg
B. 54,000 kg
C. 5,400 kg
D. 540 kg
14. In that same box of crackers, one serving contains approximately 170 mg
of sodium (salt.) If there were 9 servings in the entire box,
approximately how much sodium would you get, in grams, if you ate the
entire box?
A. 1.5 g
B. 15 g
C. 150 g
D. 1500 g
Grade 8 Mathematics
Lesson 3, Measurement


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