Mathematics Measurement: Lesson 3 - Grade 8


Grade 8 Mathematics
Measurement: Lesson 3
Read aloud to the students the material that is printed in boldface type
inside the boxes. Information in regular type inside the boxes and all
information outside the boxes should not be read to students. Possible
student responses are included in parentheses after the questions.
NOTE: The directions read to students may depend on the available
materials. Read only those parts of the lesson that apply to the materials you
are using.
Any directions that ask you to do something, such as to turn to a page or to
hand out materials to students, will have an arrow symbol (
) by them.
Purpose of Lesson 3:
• In this lesson, the tutor and the students will
ü select the best unit to measure weight/mass and capacity;
ü read weight/mass and capacity measurements;
ü estimate weight/mass and capacity measurement; and
ü convert from one unit of measurement to another.
Equipment/Materials Needed:
• Paper and pencils
• Copies of Student Sheets 24 – 26, and the Mathematics Reference Sheet
(Student Sheet 27)
• An object that weighs about one pound, an object that weighs about one
ounce, an object that weighs about one kilogram, and an object that
weighs about one gram
Preparations before beginning Lesson 3:
• Run off one copy of Student Sheets 24 – 26 for each student and the
Mathematics Reference Sheet (Student Sheet 17 in Measurement 4.)
• Have paper and pencils available.
• Measure some objects around the room. You need objects that weigh one
pound, one ounce, one kilogram, and one gram. Find a few objects that
weigh more and less than these objects do.
Grade 8 Mathematics
Lesson 3, Measurement


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