Atoms And Elements Worksheet Page 17


Homework Problems
2.1 For elements (Br, Ca, Fe, Na, S, Si, and Xe) which of the following term(s) apply?
a. metal
b. nonmetal
c. metalloid
d. noble gas
e. halogen
f. alkali metal
g. alkaline earth metal
h. transition metal
i. main group element
j. gas at room temperature
2.2 Identify the following atoms using their symbols:
a. contains 20 protons.
b. contains 12 electrons.
c. has atomic number = 30.
d. the fifth-period transition metal with properties similar to copper.
e. the group VA metalloid in the fifth period.
f. the lightest metallic element in group IVA.
g. the fourth-period element with properties similar to oxygen.
h. the metalloid in the second period.
i. the element with the fewest number of electrons in the sixth period.
j. the third-period element with the largest number of electrons.
2.3 In nature, gallium (Ga) is found as two isotopes. Calculate the atomic mass of this
Ga (atomic mass 68.926 amu, abundance 60.11%)
Ga (atomic mass 70.925 amu, abundance 39.89%)
2.4 Write the complete electron configuration for the following:
a. sulfur
b. potassium
c. nickel
d. xenon


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