Slope Intercept Form Worksheet Page 5


3) Mr. Kelly starts up his own HELLO KITTY business. It costs him $10 to start up and he
makes $5 every month.
a) What’s Mr. Kelly’s slope (rate of change) for this situation?
b) What’s Mr. Kelly’s y-intercept (initial value) for this situation?
c) Write an equation of the line for the given situation. Graph the line.
d) How much money would Mr. Kelly have after 10 months?
Mr. Brust starts up a rival HELLO KITTY business.
At the beginning (0 months) he owes $2. After 3 months he has $1.
a) What’s Mr. Brust’s slope (rate of change) for this situation?
b) What’s Mr. Brust’s y-intercept (initial value) for this situation?
c) Write an equation of the line for the given situation. Graph the line.
d) How much money would Mr. Brust have after 10 months?
COMING UP…Graph all possible solutions to the following on the number lines.
1) x < 3
2) x = 3
3) x >3


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