Dirty Jobs Bible Activity Sheets Page 6


U p L i n k Q U E S T I O N S
During upLink you are going to test your knowledge of dirty jobs.
Answer the questions below and then get ready to find out
how much you really know about the TV show, Dirty Jobs.
Q u e s t i o n 1
Q u e s t i o n 2
In the very first episode
Which one of these was nOT
of Dirty Jobs, the dirty job
a Dirty Jobs episode?
had to do with what kind
of animal?
A. Ostrich Wrangler
A. Bat
B. Bear
B. Cheese Maker
C. shark
D. Dog
C. Furniture Maker
D. Turkey Farmer
Q u e s t i o n 3
T R u E OR FAL s E
There are no Dirty Jobs episodes about painting.
Q u e s t i o n 4
Q u e s t i o n 5
One of the dirtiest jobs
Which one of these Is a
involves fishing. not for
Dirty Jobs episode?
fish, but for…
A. Onion processor
A. Crabs
B. sharks
B. Gardener
C. Dolphins
D. starfish
C. Merry-Go-Round Maker
D. Monster Truck Driver
W E E K 1


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