Dirty Jobs Bible Activity Sheets Page 5


A c t i v i t y 3
Work with your same partner from Activity 2 or find another pair and switch partners
so you can meet someone else.
Write your partners name on the line provided. Read through each of the Would You
Rather questions. In your activity book circle your partners answers. They will circle
your answers in their activity book.
______________________________________________ Would Rather....
1. have french fries for hair or hotdogs for fingers?
2. Be able to fly or read minds?
3. Be a kid their whole life or be an adult their whole life?
4. have a miniature pig as a pet or have a monkey as a pet?
5. Give up using your computer or watching TV?
6. Eat only fruit or eat only vegetables?
7. Live underwater or live in outer space?
8. Live without electricity or live without running water?
9. Eat a snail or eat a frog
10. swim in the sea with a hungry shark or walk in the jungle with an angry tiger.
We’ve had a lot of fun today learning about one of the greatest stories in the Bible. Below
are three questions about what we learned today in Motion. During The Exchange walk
around and find someone to answer each of the questions for this week. Circle each person’s
answer and then write their name in the space provided.
Q u e s t i o n 1
Q u e s t i o n 2
Q u e s t i o n 3
What did Adam and Eve
What happened when Adam
how do we know how to
do to disobey God?
and Eve disobeyed God?
make right choices?
A. he killed them
A. Reading our Bible
A. Rode a horse
B. he left them alone in
B. Listening to our friends
B. Ate fruit from the tree
the garden
of knowledge
C. Doing what we hear
C. he sent them out
on TV
C. Went swimming
of the garden
name of person who answered:
name of person who answered:
name of person who answered:
W E E K 1


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