Dirty Jobs Bible Activity Sheets Page 4


A c t i v i t y 2
Get to know someone new in your small group. Find someone to work with that
you don’t know very well. play as many rounds of dots as you can and see who
can win the most games. Both you and your partner will have game boards to
use in your activity books.
1. The goal is to try to connect the dots until you have created a square.
2. player 1 will draw a line from one dot to another dot.
3. player 2 will draw a line connecting two other dots.
4. Once you create a square put your initials in the middle and
then go again.
5. Continue alternating turns connecting 2 dots each time.
6. When squares can no longer be made count the number of squares
each player has.
7. The winner is the player with their initial in the most squares.
W E E K 1


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