Dirty Jobs Bible Activity Sheets Page 26


D i r t y J o b s
P i c t u r e C h a l l e n g e
Look at the pictures below and see if you can determine the number of differences
between each picture. Write the total number of differences in the space provided.
n u MB E R O F D IFFE REnC Es : ___ ___ ___ ___
Find this weeks Dirty Jobs devotions and answer the question at the end to earn
punches on your Eight Card.
1. Ask your parents for permission to log onto the eKidz website:
2. Click the post “Dirty Jobs Devotionals”.
3. Complete the devotions. Write the answer to the bonus question in
the space provided.
4. Bring your activity book with you to Motion next weekend and show it to
your small group leader to earn 2 punches for each devotion you completed.
D E VO T IOn #1
W E E K 4


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