Dirty Jobs Bible Activity Sheets Page 25


D a n i e l & T h e L i o n s D e n
E x t r a A c t i v i t i e s
Go through the maze to get to the lion.
Read Daniel 6 to solve the crossword puzzle below.
1. God protected Daniel because he had
__________ in God. (VERsE 23)
4. Darius appointed 120 _________ to rule
throughout the kingdom. (1)
6. Because of the decree Darius was forced to
have Daniel thrown into the _______ den. (16)
8. After Daniel was removed from the lions den
Darius issued a 2nd decree that the people
in his kingdom should ____________ the God
of Daniel. (26)
10. Daniel ignored the kings decree and
_________ each day to God. (10)
2. Daniel was _________________. (4)
3. The king planned to make _____________ ruler
over his whole kingdom. (3)
5. God _________ the mouths of the lions so that
Daniel was not hurt. (21)
7. In the morning Darius went to see what had
happened to Daniel in the lions ______. (19)
9. King Darius made a __________ that no one was
to worship or pray to any god or man during
the next 30 days except to the king. (9)
W E E K 4


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