Dirty Jobs Bible Activity Sheets Page 2


B r i n g I t ! C h a l l e n g e
In Motion we believe it’s important for you to “bring it” when you
come to church. We want you to bring yourself (be here as often as
you can), bring your Bible with you every week, bring your memory
verse (be able to recite it to your small group leader), and bring
your friends! Each time you “bring it” you will earn a punch on your
Eight Card. Below is a chart to show you how many punches you
need to earn different prizes throughout the month. There is an
envelope in the back of this activity book where you can keep
your Eight Cards.
Bring It! Category
Punches Earned
1 punch
2 punches
MeMory Verse
3 punches
8 punches
dirty JoBs deVotions
2 punches per deVotion
P R I Z E S :
Total Punches Earned
Prize Levels
8 punChEs
cAndy FroM the Mud pit
18 punChEs
dirty JoBs Button
28 punChEs
38 punChEs
dirty JoBs t-shirt


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