Dirty Jobs Bible Activity Sheets Page 19


E l i j a h & M t . C a r m e l E x t r a A c t i v i t i e s
Open your Bible to 1 Kings 18:20-39. Complete the words below using the verses.
Then put the letters from the boxes on the lines below to uncover a secret message.
Read 1 Kings 18:16-45 to solve the crossword puzzle below.
3. Ahab was told to summon the ________ (VERsE 19)
5. ________ told the people: “If the Lord is God follow
him.” (21)
8. Ahab had ____________ the LORD’s commands. (18)
10. The ______ of the LORD fell and burned up the
sacrifice. (38)
11. The sky grew black with clouds and there was a
heavy _______. (45)
1. The prophets of Baal assembled on Mount
________. (19)
2. Elijah had a trench dug around the altar and then
poured ________ over the offering and the wood
three times. (33-35)
4. Elijah told the prophets of Baal to shout ________. (27)
6. ______ went to meet Elijah (vs. 16)
7. The people cried, “The LORD - he is _____. (vs. 39)
8. Elijah asked God to _________ his prayer and burn up
the sacrifice. (36)
9. Elijah took 12 ______ to build an altar for
the LORD. (31)
W E E K 3


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