Dirty Jobs Bible Activity Sheets Page 17


A c t i v i t y 3
1. Find a partner from your group.
2. Look up this months memory verse – 2 Timothy 3:16.
3. You will need your Bible and this verse to help you with your game of tic-tac-toe.
4. Determine who will go first by playing a round of rock, paper, scissors.
5. The winner will write the first word of the memory verse in any space on a tic-tac-toe board.
5. player 2 will then write the second word of the memory verse in any open space on the board.
6. Continue until someone has three squares in a row.
7. play a second round and finish filling in the squares by using a tic-tac-toe board in the other
person’s book.
8. If you have time play again using the additional tic-tac-toe boards in your activity book.
We’ve had a lot of fun today learning about one of the greatest stories in the Bible. Below
are three questions about what we learned today in Motion. During The Exchange walk
around and find someone to answer each of the questions for this week. Circle each person’s
answer and then write their name in the space provided.
Q u e s t i o n 1
Q u e s t i o n 2
Q u e s t i o n 3
how long had the people
What did Elijah do so the
When does God answer our
been without rain?
people would know how
powerful God is?
A. sometimes
A. 3 Months
A. Danced on the
B. Always
B. 1 Year
C. When he feels like it
C. 3 Years
B. prayed to God
C. started a fire
name of person who answered:
name of person who answered:
name of person who answered:
W E E K 3


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