Solving Quadratic Equations By The Quadratic Formula Worksheet Page 7


When a quadratic equation is in standard form,
, the
, that is found under the square root part of the
quadratic formula is called the discriminant.
The discriminant can tell you how many solutions there are going to be and if
the solutions are real numbers or complex imaginary numbers.
Kinds of solution for
Two distinct real solutions
Note that the value of the discriminant is found under the
square root and there is a + or - in front of it. So, if that value is
positive, then there would be two distinct real number answers
One real solution
Note that the value of the discriminant is found under the square
root and there is a + or - in front of it. So, if that value is zero, +
or - zero is the same number, so there would be only one real
number solution.
Two distinct complex imaginary solution
Note that the value of the discriminant is found under the square
root and there is a + or - in front of it. So, if that value is
negative, then there would be two distinct complex imaginary
number answers.


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