Solving Quadratic Equations By The Quadratic Formula Worksheet


Solving Quadratic
by the Quadratic Formula
, then
You can solve ANY quadratic equation by using the quadratic
formula. This comes in handy when a quadratic equation does not
factor or is difficult to factor.
Step 1:
Simplify each side if needed.
This would involve things like removing ( ), removing fractions,
adding like terms, etc.
To remove ( ): Just use the distributive property.
To remove fractions: Since fractions are another way to write
division, and the inverse of divide is to multiply, you remove
fractions by multiplying both sides by the LCD of all of your
Step 2:
Write in standard form,
, if needed.
If it is not in standard form, move any term(s) to the appropriate
side by using the addition/subtraction property of equality.
Also, make sure that the squared term is written first left to
right, the
term is second and the constant is third and it is set
equal to 0.
Step 3:
Identify a, b, and c.


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