Patterns And Relations Worksheet - Grade 7 Page 46


Part 4
Ingrid’s sponsors paid her $25 per kilometre.
Liam’s sponsors paid him $20 per kilometre.
Make a table to show how much money each
student raised for every 10 km cycled.
Money Raised
Money Raised
by Ingrid ($)
by Liam ($)
Check List
Your work
How much money did Ingrid raise if she cycled d kilometres?
should show:
How much money did Liam raise if he cycled d kilometres?
all tables and
Liam and Ingrid raised equal amounts of money.
graphs, clearly
How far might each person have cycled? Explain.
the equations you
wrote and how you
solved them
how you know your
answers are correct
explanations of
what you found out
You have learned different ways to represent a pattern. Which way do
you find easiest to use? When might you want to use the other ways?
Unit Problem: Fund Raising


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