Patterns And Relations Worksheet - Grade 7 Page 39


At the used bookstore, one paperback book costs $3.
How many books can be bought for $12?
a) Write an equation you can solve to find how many books can be bought.
b) Solve the equation. Verify the solution.
Kiera shared 20 hockey cards equally among her friends.
Each friend had 4 cards.
a) Write an equation that describes this situation.
b) Solve the equation to find how many friends shared the cards.
In Nirmala’s Grade 7 class, 13 students walk to school. There are 20 students in the class.
a) Write an equation you can solve to find how many students do not walk to school.
b) Solve the equation. Verify the solution.
Jacob is thinking of a number. He multiplies it by 3 and then adds 4. The result is 16.
a) Write an equation to represent this situation.
b) Solve the equation to find Jacob’s number.
Assessment Focus Tarana had 2 paper plates. She bought 4 packages of paper plates.
Each package had the same number of plates. Tarana now has a total of 18 plates.
How many paper plates were in each package?
a) Write an equation you can solve to find how many plates were in each package.
b) Solve the equation. Verify the solution.
Take It Further
Dominique has 20 comic books. She gives 5 to her sister,
then gives 3 to each of her friends. Dominique has no comic books left.
a) Write an equation you can solve to find how many friends were given comic books.
b) Solve the equation. Verify the solution.
Take It Further
a) Write an equation whose solution is x
b) Write a sentence for your equation.
c) Solve the equation.
d) Describe a situation that can be represented by your equation.
When you solve an equation, how can you be sure that
your solution is correct?
UNIT 1: Patterns and Relations


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