Patterns And Relations Worksheet - Grade 7 Page 36


Owen collects model cars.
His friend gives him 2 cars.
Owen then has 7 cars.
How many cars did he have at the start?
We can write an equation that we can solve
to find out. Let x represent the number
of cars Owen had at the start.
2 more than x is: x
The equation is: x
We can use tiles to solve this equation.
We draw a vertical line in the centre of the page.
It represents the equals sign in the equation.
We arrange tiles on each side of the line to represent
the expression or number on each side of the equation.
We want to get the x-tile on its own.
This is called isolating the variable.
When we solve an equation, we must preserve the equality.
That is, whatever we do to one side of the equation, we must also do to the other side.
To solve the equation x
On the right side, put tiles
On the left side, put tiles
to represent 7.
to represent x
To isolate the x-tile, remove the 2 unit tiles from the left side.
To preserve the equality, remove 2 unit tiles from the right side, too.
1.8 Solving Equations Using Algebra Tiles


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