Patterns And Relations Worksheet - Grade 7 Page 35


Solving Equations Using Algebra Tiles
Use algebra tiles and symbols to solve
simple equations.
We can use tiles to represent an expression.
One yellow tile
can represent
We call it a unit tile.
A unit tile and a variable
We also use tiles to represent variables.
tile are collectively
This tile represents x.
algebra tiles.
We call it an x-tile, or a variable tile.
What algebraic expression do these tiles represent?
In this lesson, you will learn how to use tiles to solve equations.
In Unit 6, you will learn other ways to solve equations.
Alison had $13.
She bought 5 gift bags.
Each bag costs the same amount.
Alison then had $3 left.
How much was each gift bag?
➤ Let d dollars represent the cost of 1 gift bag.
Write an equation to represent the problem.
➤ Use tiles. Solve the equation to find the value of d.
How much was each gift bag?
Compare your equation with that of another pair of classmates.
If the equations are different, try to find out why.
Discuss your strategies for using tiles to solve the equation.
UNIT 1: Patterns and Relations


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