Patterns And Relations Worksheet - Grade 7 Page 32


Reading and Writing Equations
Translate statements into equations.
Part 1
➤ Write an algebraic expression for these statements:
Think of a number.
Multiply it by 3.
Add 4.
➤ The answer is 13. What is the original number?
Part 2
➤ Each of you writes your own number riddle.
Trade riddles with your partner.
➤ Write an algebraic expression for your partner’s statements.
Find your partner’s original number.
Compare your answer to Part 1 with that of another pair of classmates.
If you found different values for the original number, who is correct?
Can both of you be correct? How can you check?
Zena bought 3 CDs.
Each CD costs the same amount.
The total cost was $36.
What was the cost of 1 CD?
We can write an equation for this situation.
Let p dollars represent the cost of 1 CD.
Then, the cost of 3 CDs is 3p. This is equal to $36.
We can write an equation to represent this situation:
1.7 Reading and Writing Equations


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