Patterns And Relations Worksheet - Grade 7 Page 13


Algebraic Expressions
Use a variable to represent a set
of numbers.
We can use symbols to represent a pattern.
Tehya won some money in a competition.
She has two choices as to how she gets paid.
Choice 1: $20 per week for one year
Choice 2: $400 cash now plus $12 per week for one year
Which method would pay Tehya more money?
For what reasons might Tehya choose each method of payment?
Work with another pair of classmates.
For each choice, describe a rule you can use to calculate the total money
Tehya has received at any time during the year.
We can use a variable to represent a number in an expression.
For example, we know there are 100 cm in 1 m.
We can write 1
100 cm in 1 m.
Recall that a variable is a letter,
There are 2
100 cm in 2 m.
such as n, that represents a
quantity that can vary.
There are 3
100 cm in 3 m.
To write an expression for the number of centimetres in any number of metres,
we say there are n
100 cm in n metres.
n is a variable.
n represents any number we choose.
Variables are written in italics
We can use any letter, such as n or x, as a variable.
so they are not confused with
The expression n
100 is written as 100n.
units of measurement.
100n is an algebraic expression.
UNIT 1: Patterns and Relations


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