Patterns And Relations Worksheet - Grade 7 Page 12


Read over what you have written.
Will someone else be able to follow your thinking?
Share your Thinking Log with a classmate.
Was your classmate able to follow your thinking and
understand your solution? Explain.
Describe any changes you would make to improve your
Thinking Log.
Complete a Thinking Log for each of these problems.
I am a 2-digit number. I have three factors.
I am divisible by five. Which number am I?
A book contains 124 pages numbered from 1 to 124.
How many times does the digit 7 appear?
Here is a pattern of tiles.
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
a) How many tiles will there be in the 10th term?
b) Which term has 37 tiles? How do you know?
Reading and Writing in Math: Writing to Explain Your Thinking


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