Patterns And Relations Worksheet - Grade 7 Page 10


I am a 3-digit number that has a 2 in the hundreds place.
I am divisible by 3, 4, and 5. Which number am I?
Assessment Focus
a) Write a 3-digit number that is divisible by 5 and by 9.
How did you choose the number?
b) Find the factors of the number in part a. Use the divisibility rules to help you.
c) How would you find the greatest 3-digit number that is divisible
by 5 and by 9? The least 3-digit number? Explain your methods.
Use the digits 0 to 9.
Replace the
in each number to make a number divisible by 3.
Find as many answers as you can.
a) 4 6
b) 1 32
c) 24 71
Suppose you have 24 cereal bars.
You must share the bars equally with everyone in the classroom.
How many cereal bars will each person get, in each case?
a) There are 12 people in the classroom.
b) There are 6 people in the classroom.
c) There is no one in the classroom.
d) Use your answer to part c.
Explain why a number cannot be divided by 0.
Take It Further
Universal Product Codes (UPCs) are used to identify retail products.
The codes have 12 digits, and sometimes start with 0.
To check that a UPC is valid, follow these steps:
Add the digits in the odd-numbered positions (1st, 3rd, 5th,…).
Multiply this sum by 3.
To this product, add the digits in the even-numbered positions.
The result should be a number divisible by 10.
Look at this UPC. Is it a valid code? Explain.
Find 2 UPC labels on products at home.
Check to see if the codes are valid. Record your results.
Which divisibility rules do you find easiest to use?
Which rules do you find most difficult? Justify your choices.
1.2 More Patterns in Division


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