Scientific Process And Measurement Test Questions Worksheet With Answers - 5th Grade Page 7


d. 0 cm
d. 16 cm
33. Which of the following instruments is used to
measure mass?
31. Students in Mrs. Smith's class are trying to
find the average mass of fifth-grade students'
backpacks. The information is displayed on
the chart above. The chart shows that fifth-
grade students most frequently have
backpacks with a mass of –
a. 2-3 kilograms
b. 4-5 kilograms
c. 6-7 kilograms
d. 8-9 kilograms
32. Based on the information in the chart, what
would be the height of the plant on March
a. 10 cm
b. 12 cm
34. Dennis conducted an experiment to determine
c. 4 cm
which of his classmates could throw a ball the
farthest. He recorded his results in the above


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