Scientific Process And Measurement Test Questions Worksheet With Answers - 5th Grade Page 4


17. The picture shows the development of a delta
over a two-year period. According to this
information, about how far did the delta
20. Amanda studied the mass gain in chickens
reach into the ocean after 1997?
for her science project. Which of these is the
a. 0.1km
mass of this chicken?
b. 0.5 km
a. 2 kg
c. 1 km
b. 3 kg
d. 1.5 km
c. 5 kg
d. 7 kg
18. The picture shows a magnified view of a tick
on a penny. About how long is the tick.
21. Students conducted an experiment in which
a. millimeter
they rubbed their palms together to warm
b. 2 kilometers
their hands, then measured the temperature of
c. 4 meters
their hands. The experiment was conducted 4
d. 10 centimeters
times. According to the data in the table,
which of these trials is most unusual?
19. Which of these is needed to measure the
a. A
mass of a rock?
b. B
a. An anemometer
c. C
b. A barometer
d. D
c. A balance
d. A metric ruler


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