Scientific Process And Measurement Test Questions Worksheet With Answers - 5th Grade Page 3


12. About how tall is this mushroom?
a. 1 kilometer
b. 4 centimeters
c. 3 meters
d. 10 millimeters
14. What is the difference between the water
13. Students want to find out if an empty can
level in the cylinder before and after the rock
rolls down a ramp faster than a can filled
was added?
with sand. Which of these would be the
a. 3 mL
fairest way to find out?
b. 11 mL
c. 14 mL
d. 25 mL
15. The graph shows what happened when a
candle was burned in different jars. The
results of this experiment show that the
bigger the jar, the
a. faster the candle melted
b. longer the candle burned
c. brighter the candle's flame
d. higher the candle's flame
16. How big would a jar have to be to keep the
candle burning for 5 minutes?
a. 1 liter
b. 5 liters
c. 10 liters
d. 15 liters


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