Scientific Process And Measurement Test Questions Worksheet With Answers - 5th Grade Page 2


7. Which of these should be used to accurately
measure 250 mL of
9. Using the picture and classification key, what
is this animal?
a. Swordfish
b. Hammerhead shark
c. Leopard shark
d. Nurse shark
10. Using the picture and classification key, what
is this animal?
a. Swordfish
b. Hammerhead shark
c. Leopard shark
d. Nurse shark
8. Jack grew some very small organisms in a jar
11. The capacity of an automobile gasoline tank
of pond water. Each day, he counted the
would most likely be measured in -
number of organisms he saw on a slide. Then
a. degrees Celsius (°C)
he estimated how many organisms were in
b. grams (g)
the jar. On what day were almost all of the
c. liters (l)
organisms dead?
d. meters (m)
a. 5
b. 15
c. 20
d. 25


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