Scientific Process And Measurement Test Questions Worksheet With Answers - 5th Grade Page 10


43. This surveyor is measuring the distance of a
road. The most appropriate units to measure
this distance are -
a. millimeters
b. centimeters
45. The picture shows a thermometer in a room.
c. decimeters
What is the temperature of this room?
d. meters
a. 19°C
b. 20°C
c. 21°C
d. 22°C
44. Which tools would be needed to measure the
size and the mass of a block of wood?
a. A watch with a second hand and a ruler
b. A graduated cylinder and a thermometer
c. A ruler and a balance
46. The larger the mass of a planet, the greater the
d. A thermometer and a meter stick
pull of gravity on that planet's surface.
According to the information in the chart,
which of these planets has a mass closest to the
Earth's mass?
a. Mercury
b. Venus
c. Mars
d. Jupiter


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