Physics Secondary Schools Worksheet Page 8


7. This question is about Pressure
Sometimes heavy furniture marks the floor. The diagram below shows four legs A, B,
C and D of four different tables.
Which leg is least likely to mark the floor underneath it ? Explain your answer.
Leg A has an area of 30 cm
touching the floor. Calculate the total table area in contact
with the floor if the table has four legs.
(iii) The table has a weight of 200 N. Calculate the total pressure of the table on the floor.
The diagram shows a simple hydraulic machine used to compress cardboard. When a
force is applied on piston A, the cardboard is compressed by piston B.
Piston A (0.01 m
Piston B (0.8 m
Underline the correct answer:
The advantage of a hydraulic machine is that with a (small / large) force, a
(small / large) force results.
Calculate the pressure made by a force of 1000 N on piston A of area 0.01 m ² .
(iii) What is the pressure acting on piston B ?
(iv) Calculate the force on piston B.
Physics – Secondary Schools – Track 2 – Form 3 – 2013
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