Physics Secondary Schools Worksheet Page 2


SECTION A: Answer all questions. This section has a total of 40 marks.
The diagram shows a lady and a child pushing a shopping trolley. The lady pushes
with a force of 40 N and the child with a force of 10 N.
What is the total horizontal force on the trolley?
Calculate the work done to push the trolley a distance
of 80 m.
On the diagram draw two other forces acting on the
Name one of these forces acting on the trolley.
It takes 100 seconds to push the trolley a distance of 80 m. Calculate the power.
2.(a) Complete the following sentences about the energy changes in a
washing machine.
An electric motor in a washing machine is designed to transform
_______________ energy into _______________ energy.
Some of the energy supplied to the motor is wasted as _______________ energy and
_______________ energy.
Would more or less energy be required to wash the clothes at a temperature of 60
instead of 40
C ? Explain.
An ‘ A ’ rated washing machine uses an input power of 600 W to give 420 W of output
power. Calculate its efficiency.
Physics – Secondary Schools – Track 2 – Form 3 – 2013
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