Science Test Worksheets - John Buchan Middle School Page 11


Food that astronauts take into space has been dried to remove air and
water. This stops micro-organisms growing on the food.
Write true or false next to each statement about their food.
Dried food is better than fresh food to take into space
because it...
True or false ?
weighs more.
decays more slowly.
1 mark
The astronauts investigate plants in the space station.
The plants grow in a special jelly instead of soil.
The jelly contains the things plants need to grow.
What things from the jelly do the plants need to take in through the roots?
Tick ONE box.
water and light
nutrient and air
water and nutrients
air and water
1 mark
The roots of plants take in some things the plants need to grow.
Describe another function of the roots.
1 mark
John Buchan Middle School


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