States Of Matter, Heat, Phase Changes Worksheet Page 2


Multiple Choice-27 points
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question..
19. Rank the states of matter from weakest to strongest intermolecular forces.
A. gas, solid, liquid
C. solid, liquid, gas
B. gas, liquid, solid
D. solid, gas, liquid
20. Rank the states of matter from slowest to fastest particle speed.
A. gas, solid, liquid
C. solid, liquid, gas
B. gas, liquid, solid
D. solid, gas, liquid
21. Convection occurs most easily in liquids and gases because ______________.
A. their particles are spaced far enough that
C. their particles are at a low kinetic energy.
they can move easily.
B. their particles are close together and
D. they have high heat capacities.
22. Conduction, convection, and radiation ALL ____________________________________.
A. occur most easily in solids.
C. require direct contact.
B. can transfer heat without particles.
D. transfer thermal energy from high to low
23. The sun’s rays increasing the temperature of a house is an example of ____________.
A. convection
C. conduction
B. sublimation
D. radiation
24. Fig. 2
The beakers both contain the same substance. The beaker in Figure 2 with the greater AVERAGE kinetic energy is
A. A
C. they are the same
B. B
25. An ice cube (50mL and 0C) is placed inside each beaker (Fig 2). The greatest amount of thermal energy will GAINED
by ___________________.
A. the fluid in beaker A
C. the ice cube in beaker A
B. the fluid in beaker B
D. the ice cube in beaker B


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