Form 511 - Oklahoma Resident Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2014 Page 18

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Schedule 511-C continued
Enter the number “11” if the following applies:
Line C7 - Miscellaneous: Other Adjustments (continued)
Competitive Livestock Show Award: You may deduct any pay-
claimed. Enclose a copy of the federal depreciation schedule and
ment of less than $600 received as an award for participation in a
a computation of the accelerated Oklahoma depreciation.
competitive livestock show event if such award is included in your
Note: Once you have fully depreciated an asset on your Okla-
Federal Adjusted Gross Income. You must be able to substanti-
homa return, you must add back any depreciation deducted on
ate this deduction upon request.
your federal return, see Schedule 511-B, line 7.
Enter the number “12” if the following applies:
Enter the number “4” if the following applies:
Discharge of indebtedness under IRC Section 108(i)(1): Income
Discharge of Indebtedness for Farmers: An individual, engaged
from discharge of indebtedness deferred under IRC Section
in production of agriculture, may exclude income resulting from
108(i)(1), which was added back to compute Oklahoma taxable
the discharge of indebtedness incurred to finance the production
income in tax year 2010, may be partially deducted. Deduct an
of agricultural products. Enclose Federal Schedule F and Form
amount equal to the portion of such deferred income included in
1099-C or other substantiating documentation.
your Federal Adjusted Gross Income for tax year 2014.
Enter the number “5” if the following applies:
If you are deducting this income as a member of a pass-through
Oklahoma Police Corps Program Scholarship/Stipend:
entity, include such entity’s name and ID number and your pro-
You may deduct any scholarship or stipend, received from
rata share of the deferred income.
participation in the Oklahoma Police Corps Program, that is
included in your Federal Adjusted Gross Income. The Oklahoma
The Oklahoma Tax Refund
Police Corps was established under 47 OS Sec. 2-140.1 through
2-140.11. Enclose documentation to support amount claimed
Debit Card!
and a copy of your federal return.
Enter the number “6” if the following applies:
Deduction for Living Organ Donation: You may deduct up to
If you do not choose direct deposit,
$10,000 of unreimbursed expenses if you, or your dependent,
you will receive a debit card for you income tax refund.
donates one or more human organs while living. “Human organs”
mean all or part of a liver, pancreas, kidney, intestine, lung, or
Way2Go Card
bone marrow. The deduction is allowed only one time and may
be claimed only for unreimbursed expenses that are incurred by
you and related to the organ donation of you or your dependent.
The deduction may only be claimed in the taxable year in which
Oklahoma Tax Refund
the transplant occurs. Enclose a detailed schedule of expenses
5115 5801 2345 6789
Enter the number “7” if the following applies:
Safety Pays OSHA Consultation Service Exemption: An employer
that is eligible for and utilizes the Safety Pays OSHA Consulta-
• Safe, convenient and secure, choose to receive a debit
tion Service provided by the Oklahoma Department of Labor shall
card which can be used at your favorite stores and ATM’s
receive a $1,000 exemption for the tax year the service is utilized.
that accept MasterCard debit cards. In some cases a fee
If this exemption is through a partnership or corporation, include
may apply at ATM’s.
the partnership’s or corporation’s name and Federal ID number
and your pro-rata share of the exemption.
• Activating your card is easy, just call 1-888-929-
2460. Only you have the information to do it. Detailed
Enter the number “8” if the following applies:
information on card activation, along with all the
Qualified Refinery Property: If a qualified Oklahoma refinery
information you need for your Oklahoma Tax Refund
elected to expense the cost of qualified refinery property, enter
debit card will be included with your card.
any of such expense allocated to you. Enclose a copy of the writ-
ten notice received from the refinery indicating the amount of the
• Deposit or cash your debit card free at banks or financial
allocation. The notice should include the company’s name and
institutions that accept MasterCard; or go online to
Federal ID number.
and transfer your refund to your
Enter the number “9” if the following applies:
checking/savings account for a fee of 75 cents.
Cost of Complying with Sulfur Regulations: If a qualified refinery
elected to allocate all or a portion of the cost of complying with
• Inactivity fees of $1.50 per month will apply if your card
sulfur regulations to its owners, enter the portion of such cost
is not used for a period of 60 days. To avoid these fees use
allocated to you. Enclose a copy of the written notice received
your card at least once every 60 days. Your card is good
from the refinery indicating the amount of the allocation. Such
for three years from the date of issue.
notice should include the company’s name and Federal ID number.
Enter the number “10” if the following applies:
Visit for detailed information and answers to your
Emergency Medical Personnel Death Benefit exclusion: The
frequently asked questions on the Oklahoma Tax Refund debit card.
$5,000 death benefit, provided for in 63 OS Sec. 1-2505.1, paid
to the designated beneficiary of an emergency medical techni-
See page 32 for information
cian or a registered emergency medical responder whose death
is a result of their official duties performed in the line of duty is
on direct deposit.
exempt. Deduct the $5,000 death benefit if such death benefit is
included in your Federal Adjusted Gross Income.


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