Form 511 - Oklahoma Resident Individual Income Tax Forms And Instructions - 2014 Page 10

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Oklahoma Use Tax
Oklahoma Use Tax - Worksheet #2 (continued)
Every state with a sales tax has a companion tax for purchases
Worksheet Two has two parts. The first part is a
made outside the state. In Oklahoma, that tax is called “use tax”.
calculation of the amount due on items that cost less
If you have purchased items for use in Oklahoma from retailers
than $1,000 each and the second part is a calculation
who do not collect Oklahoma sales tax whether by mail order,
of the amount due on items that cost $1,000 or more
catalog, television shopping networks, radio, Internet, phone or
each. The first calculation is based on a Use Tax
in person, you owe Oklahoma use tax on those items. Use tax
Table that reflects the estimated amount of use tax
is paid by the buyer when the Oklahoma sales tax has not been
due by taxpayers with varying amounts of Federal
collected by the seller. Individuals in Oklahoma are responsible
Adjusted Gross Income. The estimated amount is
for paying use tax on their out-of-state purchases.
0.056% (.00056) of Federal Adjusted Gross Income. If
Examples of items that are subject to sales tax include books,
you believe that estimate from the table is too high
compact discs, computer equipment, computer software, elec-
for your out-of-state purchases, you may estimate
tronics, clothing, appliances, furniture, sporting goods and jewel-
what you think you owe.
ry. When an out-of-state retailer does not collect Oklahoma sales
If you paid another state’s sales or use tax on any purchase, that
tax, the responsibility of paying the tax falls on the purchaser.
amount may be credited against the Oklahoma use tax due on
Use tax is calculated at the same rate as sales tax, which varies
that purchase.
by city and county. The state sales tax rate is 4.5% (.045) plus
Note: Your use tax worksheets may be reviewed. If it is determined that
the applicable city and/or county rates. If you do not know the
you owe more use tax than what is shown on your return, you may be
exact amount of Oklahoma use tax you owe based on your city
subject to an assessment for the additional use tax.
and county sales tax rate, you can either:
Use the tax table on page 11 or multiply your
See Page 11 for the
Adjusted Gross Income from line 1 by 0.056%
Oklahoma Use Tax Table
Social Security Number (SSN)
2. Use one of the worksheets below to calculate your
Oklahoma use tax. Complete Worksheet One if you
The request for your SSN is authorized by Section 405, Title 42,
kept records of all of your out-of-state purchases.
of the United States Code. You must provide this information. It
Complete Worksheet Two if you did not keep records
of all of your out-of-state purchases.
will be used to establish your identity for tax purposes only.
Use Tax Worksheet One
For Taxpayers Who Have Records of All Out-of-State Purchases
Enter the total amount of out-of-state purchases for 1/1/2014 through 12/31/2014 . .....................
Multiply line 1 by 7% (.07) or your local rate* and enter the amount . ............................................
Enter the tax paid to another state on the purchases. This amount may not exceed the
amount on line 2 . ...........................................................................................................................
Subtract line 3 from line 2 and enter the results, rounded to the nearest whole dollar,
here and on Form 511, line 20 ......................................................................................................
Use Tax Worksheet Two
For Taxpayers Who Do Not Have Records of All Out-of-State Purchases
Purchases of items costing less than $1,000: See the Use Tax Table on page 11
to establish the use tax due based on your Federal Adjusted Gross Income
from Form 511, line 1 ...................................................................................................................
Purchases of items costing $1,000 or more: Complete lines 2a and 2b below to
calculate the amount of use tax owed.
Enter the total amount of out-of-state purchases
of $1,000 or more for 1/1/2014 through 12/31/2014 . .....
Multiply line 2a by 7% (.07) or your local rate*
and enter the amount ....................................................
Add lines 1 and 2b and enter the total amount of use tax . ............................................................
Enter the tax paid to another state on the purchases. This amount may not exceed the ...........
amount on line 3 . ..........................................................................................................................
Subtract line 4 from line 3 and enter the results, rounded to the nearest whole dollar,
here and on Form 511, line 20 .....................................................................................................
* Use tax is calculated the same as sales tax. Your local rate would be the state sales tax rate of 4.5% (.045) plus the applicable city and/
or county rate based on where you lived when the purchase was made. The rate charts can be found on the web at:


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